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High waisted flare denim

Happy Monday friends! I just registered for my last semester of law school – I am finishing in 2.5 years instead of 3. Hope everyone has a great week 🙂  I love this look!! I have always been a fan of high waisted dark…

November 7, 2016

Nordstorm Fall Clearance Sale

The Nordstrom fall clearance sale started today! Here are my favorite things from the sale [click on the picture for a link to the web page]:  …

November 3, 2016

Dresses for brides-to-be

I put together a list of dresses that are perfect for engagement parties, bachelorette weekends, bridal showers, and rehearsal dinners. Here are my favorite dresses listed by price group! Under $25   Under $50 Under $100 & more  …

October 4, 2016

Weekend dress

I can’t believe that it is already Monday again! I had quite an eventful weekend spent with a lot of friends. Friday night I went to a concert at Ponte Vedra Concert Hall which is such a cute venue. We saw Parker Millsap perform…

October 3, 2016